Messages from Sr.MarJo

Messages from Sr.MarJo 11 ~ ONENESS ~ Walking together for a better world

2022.07.12 Messages from Sr.MarJo

After the shocking news of the assassination of former Prime Minister Abe, today as he is cremated and eventually laid to rest, I would like to invite you to please stand and spend moments of SILENT prayer and call upon the God of PEACE.

(3 mins of silence)


(John 14:27)

27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Let us try to understand these words of Jesus Christ.
What is this PEACE that is given to us? What does “not as the world gives” mean?
This PEACE is not the absence of conflict nor violence. It is not even the absence of war.

This is what one experiences when one is in touch with one’s nature, one’s truth and one’s goodness.
This PEACE is interior that affects what is exterior. It comes from within our very nature that gets expressed in thoughts, words and actions.


Last weekend I saw a video of 3 small children seated. One was sleepy and was about to fall. And when the other child saw this he lost no time and gently took the head of the sleepy child to rest on his shoulder and prevent the sleepy one from falling.

Then this caption followed:
“KINDNESS IS NATURAL. HATRED IS TAUGHT. In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”

I thought, we can also say “PEACE IS NATURAL. In a world where you can be anything, be PEACE.”
I invite all of us to be natural – to BE KIND and BE PEACE.
Maybe in thoughts, maybe in words, maybe in a gesture, a smile, or a greeting?
Do not miss a chance to make the world kinder and more peaceful by your choices today.
“Do not be afraid.” Try it and break the chain of anger and hatred in our world.

